Most of the machines backed up with Online backup without issue and our SQL cluster was no exception, the online backup initiated without fault. However after some time one of the Always On cluster came back with the following error.
The VSS application writer or the VSS provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. (ID 30111 Details: VssError:The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried,
the error is likely to reoccur.
Digging further on the SQL machine with the "vssadmin list writers" command, we found that the SQL VSS Writer service was in an error state.
The Solution
The solution is very simple but introduces some other problems.
1. Jump on the erroneous SQL server.
2. Open a command prompt and type services.msc
3. Go the SQL VSS Writer service and stop the service.
4. Re-run the DPM job.
This successfully completes the VM snapshot backup, but it introduces an issue with SQL backup if you are also using DPM for SQL backup on the same Always On cluster.
In a SQL Always On cluster, the DPM backups are by normally taken from the secondary node. The primary node is left alone to do SQL, while the inactive secondary takes the heavy backup load.
This is why we only had the problem on our secondary node, it is also why it introduces an SQL backup problem. When the SQL VSS Writer service is stopped, DPM can't perform SQL backups on the server.
Two possible options are:
1. Don't perform VM snapshot on your backup node, it may be overkill anyway. In the event of a failure you can spin up a new VM and make it the new secondary.
2. Run a schedule that disables the SQL VSS Writer service some time before the VM snapshot and re-enable it again after the snapshot.
We are using option 2 and so far it is working well. You need to ensure that your SQL backup isn't occurring during your SQL VSS writer disabled period, but your a good admin and wouldn't have your VM snapshot and SQL backup scheduled at the same time anyway!
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