Showing posts with label yubico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yubico. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Update to Yubiradius modification - Use only OTP and allow temporary tokens

In 2012 we released a modification patch to Yubiradius 3.5.1 that supports using just the OTP for authentication. The default Yubiradius install requires the AD password + OTP to be combined as a single string.

In a deployments where you want 2 password fields, 1 for AD and another for Yubiradius, a modification is needed to the Yubiradius ropverify.php

After our initial release we made some further modifications that allowed temporary tokens. Our initial release could only be used for the full OTP, if a temporary 8 character token was issued, this would not work.

The Patches

If you are already running our modified version of Yubiradius 3.5.1 ropverify.php then you can apply THIS patch to just add temporary token support.

If you are running a standard 3.5.1 and want to add OTP only auth with temporary token support please apply THIS patch.

Please follow the step by step instructions on our original blog post if you need support in applying the patch to /var/www/wsapi/ropverify.php

Also available HERE is a modification by "Dan" that works with Yubiradius 3.5.4, however this DOESN'T have temporary token support. You could apply this, then my temp token patch and it would work fine.

We have since ceased using Yubiradius in our environment so we can't verify if versions later than 3.5.4 are supported.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Configuring Forefront UAG trunks to support Yubico YubiRadius OTP authentication

In the process of preparing some of my external services for Yubikey integration I have been faced with a few problems, integration with Forefront UAG is no exception.

Adding the YubiRadius radius server to UAG as an authentication server is rediculously easy. Open the desired trunk properties, go to the authentication tab, add a new radius authentication server and put in your server IP and secret key.

After spending all of 2 minutes configuring YubiRadius as an authentication provider for one of my existing trunks I attempted to login and was repeatedly met with a generic UAG "Access Denied" screen.

I jumped onto the YubiRadius box via SSH and restarted freeradius in foreground vebrose debug mode by starting it with freeradius -f -X. Freeradius gave me a vital clue, UAG was only passing the first 20 characters of the OTP to the YubiRadius server, so of course YubiRadius was replying to UAG with access denied.

Fixing the Issue

The problem occurs because by default UAG only allows 20 characters in the password field, any more than 20 are automatically truncated back to 20 before being passed to the authentication server. In most instances this would be fine, but for OTP's it simply doesn't work. Luckily for us, the fix is a piece of cake.

1. Log into your UAG box and open the following folder "%programfiles%\Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway\von\InternalSite\samples"

2. Copy the from the samples folder to "%programfiles%\Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway\von\InternalSite\inc\CustomUpdate"

3. Edit the and change the PasswordLimit field to 50 (or more if you are using a custom OTP length), as per below. You may even need to consider a length closer to 70 characters if you are using a shared field for Active Directory password and OTP.

4. Open a command prompt and issue an iisreset

Done like a dinner, your UAG server should now pass the full OTP token to Freeradius, to which it can properly validate if the token is authentic or not.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

How to run Yubico YubiRadius on Microsoft Hyper-V

For anyone that might have read my blog posts in the past you would know I am an advocate of Yubico Yubikeys and in particular their implementation with YubiRadius.

YubiRadius allows the system administrator to host an in-house Radius server (I was about to write Yadius) that is the missing link between Yubikeys and anything that can interface with Radius.

Unfortunately YubiRadius only comes in OVF and VMware formats, which leaves anyone with Hyper-V infrastructure in a hole, but luckily its quite easy to get it up and running on Hyper-V

The Conversion Process

1. Download YubiRadius VMWARE edition from here

2. Grab the VMDK2VHD converter, it easily converts VMDK files directly to VHD for use in Hyper-V. You can download it from here

4. Open VMDK2VHD, it will prompt you for a VMDK file, point it towards the YubiRadius VMDK file you downloaded in step 1. Select an output location for your VHD file and start the process.

3. Once the VHD has been created jump onto your Hyper-V box and create a new virtual machine, give it the following attributes.

Memory: 1024MB (or more if you want)
Legacy Network Adapater
and assign your newly created VHD file to the IDE controller.

The rest of the settings are up to your personal preference.

4. Take a snapshot before you start, just in case you hose something in the setup process. Then boot your new Hyper-V YubiRadius server.

5. Login with the default credentials.
Username: root
password: yubico

Once logged in the GUI may not load correctly, it didn't for me. A simple ctrl+alt+f2 will re-direct you to a working terminal. From here you can use update-rc.d -f remove to remove services you don't want to run at boot, such as the GUI X11.

6. We need to setup the network adapter so we can login via SSH for future configuration. Enter the following commands at the command prompt.
cd /etc/network
nano interfaces
Below are some example settings you can change and then paste directly into the interfaces file.
# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth2 inet static
        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
        dns-search domain.internal
Make sure you hash out the #auto eth0 line, or you may have problems booting.

Press ctrl+x to exit, and type Y to save the changes.

7.  Next we need to add at least one DNS server to /etc/resolv.conf to enable DNS resolution. You can change the below IP address to reflect your DNS server.
echo >> /etc/resolv.conf

8. Finally you can issue a reboot with the below command for the settings to activate.
shutdown -r now

9. After the system has rebooted, you should be able to SSH in and access the Webmin interface via http://IP:10000/

The default username is yubikey and the password is yubico.

It might be a good idea to setup an IPTables firewall and disable as many unrequired services as possible, YubiRadius is fairly loose by default.

If you hose the system (it doesn't reboot after you change the network settings) you can go back to the snapshot you took before you started. Ensure your network configuration is correct and you hashed out the #auto eth0 line after changing the interfaces file.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Modifying YubiRadius to authenticate only the OTP for use with Citrix Access Gateway

For those that aren't aware the Yubico Yubikeys are a fabulous product, a one time password token built with flexibility in mind. Don't want to use Yubico's cloud based authentication servers? No problems run your own, don't trust the Yubico AES keys that comes with the Yubikeys? No problems, add your own keys.

One initial drawback of the Yubikey was their limited use in the enterprise space, if you wanted to use them within the enterprise you needed to write your own authentication mechanisms to tie in with the Yubico API. Enter YubiRadius, a yubikey radius solution that ties together freeradius, apache and some custom php scripting to deliver combined LDAP/Yubikey authentication.

Not all enterprise applications are able to use two separate radius servers (LDAP radius then YubiRadius). With this in mind Yubico has addressed that by requiring the user to enter their password immediately followed by a OTP in the password field. This is a great solution and really opens up a number of new potential ways of how Yubikeys can be applied.

One of the biggest limitations of entering the password + OTP in one field is single sign on. Using a product like Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) that takes the initial username and password and passes them through to the Xendesktop/Xenapp instance sitting behind the CAG, this will never work. What CAG does support though is a dual password field, the first would be the normal LDAP password field that is used for the pass-through and the second field can be a radius server.

As you could imagine users wouldn't be impressed knowing they have to type their password into the LDAP password field, then again into the YubiRadius password field and ALSO insert their Yubikey for OTP. The solution for this is using YubiRadius is OTP only mode, this way it purely focuses on validating the OTP against the LDAP username.

Unfortunately out of the box YubiRadius doesn't support OTP only authentication, but with a few modifications to the /var/www/wsapi/ropverify.php file we are able to gain the desired results without breaking any password + OTP logins that may occur.

The below modifications change the ropverify.php file to first check the password length. If the password length is 44 characters then there is no password present (YubiID+OTP is 44 characters), resultantly LDAP password verification is skipped. If it is not 44 characters in length the password field is treated as per default, both LDAP password and OTP are verified independently.

If you have manually changed your Yubikey keys and your YubiID+OTP result in a string longer than 44 characters in length, you will need to make a modification to my code changes to reflect that.

While this works great in my environment, I would suggested if you want the highest level of security then you should use multiple instances of YubiRadius, one of OTP only authentication and another for LDAP password + OTP authentication.

Step by Step

NOTE: This was done on version 3.5.1 of YubiRadius, use it at your own risk. 

1. Jump onto your YubiRadius box either via the console or SSH and su to root.

2. Navigate into the /var/www/wsapi folder
cd /var/www/wsapi

This is where the ropverify.php file is. FreeRadius sends a request to ropverify.php and ropverify verifies that both the LDAP password and the OTP line up with the LDAP username.

3. Download my patch file from pastebin, a wget should do the job. Name the downloaded file ropverify.patch

4. Take a backup of your ropverify.php in case something goes wrong.
cp ropverify.php ropverify.php.bak

5. Issue the following command to patch the existing ropverify.php
patch ropverify.php < ropverify.patch

The file should now be patched and ready to go, you still need to make one change to enable OTP only logins.

6. Edit the ropverify.php file
nano ropverify.php

7. Find the line that reads:
$otpOnlyAuthAllow = 0; //change to enable OTP only

Change the 0 to 1, and if you want to disable it, change it back to 0.

It really is as easy as that. Now you can have users login with only the OTP or with both the password and OTP in the password field.

Please keep in mind you should disable auto-provisioning if you are using this script. If auto-provisioning is enabled, anyone with a Yubikey can potentially associate themselves with an existing LDAP account and bypass your two-factor authentication.