Friday, 7 September 2012

How to silently install Microsoft Mathematics 4.0

The installation options of Microsoft Maths 4.0 are very unusual. Its seemingly designed for use in schools yet it doesn't have the ability to be silent installed. The only option for network admins is a Citrix Xendesktop or Microsoft App-V style deployment.

Through trial, error and research I was able to find a set of silent installation commands that work.

The Process

1. Download Microsoft Math 4.0 x86 from here >>

2. Extract the contents of MSetup_x86.exe to a folder. This can be easily done with winrar

3. Create an install.cmd with notepad++ or your favourite text editor

4. Into your install.cmd add the below deployment commands.
start /wait msiexec /i MSMath_x86.msi FROMSETUP=1 ALREADYRUNNING=0 DOTNET35=1 SKIPDXINSTALL=0 SXSOFF=0 D3DOFF=0 /qn

regedit /s eula.reg

exit 0
These commands are a combination of silent install, tricking the MSI into thinking its running from setup.exe and a selection of other options. I also apply a eula.reg (as seen below) that accepts the EULA and prevents it from popping up to the end user.

You may be able to further optimize the silent install string, but the above string works perfectly from my experience.

5. Save install.cmd

6. Paste the below text into a new file named eula.reg and save it into the same folder
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

 7. Create your package and program with SCCM (or your favourite deployment technique) and trigger install.cmd

The most important part of this article are the silent install strings for MSMath_x86.msi, the other deployment options are up to you. This took me a while to find a solution to and it seems by a quick google search that many other administrators are in the same boat.

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