Unfortunately the login hook method that has worked so well in previous IOS versions is not working in 10.6, but don't fear, there is a new method based on the launch daemon that we can utilize.
In my environment I want to deliver a smbfs based network drive hosted on a windows file server and create some directories as the user logs in, this is the method I used.
1. Create a launchd plist that contains the path of the login script I plan to use. I do this by creating a .plist file in the /System/Library/LaunchAgents directory. My configuration file was called logonscript.plist and read as follows.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"><plist version="1.0"><dict><key>Label</key><string>logonscript</string><key>LaunchOnlyOnce</key><true/><key>ProgramArguments</key><array><string>open</string><string>/usr/bin/logonscript</string></array><key>RunAtLoad</key><true/><key>ServiceDescription</key><string>logonscript</string></dict></plist>
In short all my configuration file does is launch /usr/bin/logonscript on user login, you can change that
<string>/usr/bin/logonscript</string> to anything you want.
2. Next I simply create my logonscript, my script read as follows.
echo Logging you on..
echo -
echo Connecting public drive..
mkdir ~/Desktop/public
/sbin/mount_smbfs //fileserver.blah.internal/public ~/Desktop/public
echo done..
echo -
echo Logon complete... You can now close this window..
While my script is very simple, the power of bash scripting would allow you to do a large number of operatings during this logon.
3. Of course lastly we need to modify the file to be executable
chmod +x /usr/bin/logonscript
You are all set, now your users can logon and automatically map the required network drives as long as you have already binded the system to active directory.
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