Thursday, 6 March 2014

Internet Explorer 11 appears blank on Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2

We have intermittently had clients complaining that their Internet Explorer was blank. When they open the desktop version of Internet Explorer 11 we experience they blank internet browser, if they type a URL and press enter IE does open the site. Menu options such as settings and about are greyed out.

We have had success deleting a users profile, this resolved the issue, however it is not the best experience for the end user.

After taking some time to troubleshoot the issue we were able to pinpoint the registry key "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" as the problematic area.

The Resolution

We don't have a permanent fix, it looks like this problem transcends both Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1, so a future Microsoft fix may resolve the issue.

However you can fix this on a case by case basis with the following.

1. Log on as the problematic user

2. Open regedit

3. Navigate to HKCU\Software\Microsoft

4. Delete the "Internet Explorer" key

You could also script it with reg delete or add it as a Citrix UPM registy exclusion in a VDI environment if you don't have the requirement to save Internet Explorer settings changes.