I am sure administrators that are pushed for time just ignore Acrobat updates, after all, end-users will never notice the benefits of security patches, right? I prefer to play it safe and try to stay best practice where possible, I have chosen a simple Kixtart script to manage the update process.
The script explained
The code is very simple, providing a step-by-step update from 9.0.0 right up to version 9.5.3, the current version in the 9.x stream as of the time this article was written.
At very least you need to set the $repopath variable to a network location your user/computer accounts can access. You also must populate all the Acrobat .msp updates into the $repopath.
I am using a SCCM "Whether or not a user is logged on" deployment, this means the SYSTEM account is used to during the installation, resultantly I permission-ed my update repository to allow the "Domain Computer" group read access. I decided on installing from network as opposed to downloading all the updates local due to sheer size. The repo is 1.5gb and some computers may only need 100 MB of updates, adding an un-required load onto the network.
I won't paste the whole script here, but below is an example of the update process I am using. It checks the version, installs the next update inline, then checks the version again, repeat, repeat.
Install Update, Check Version
if ($ver = "9.1.0")
gosub installAcro911
gosub acroVerCheck
Example update install
:installAcro911 ? "Installing Acrobat 9.1.1 upgrade" SHELL '%comspec% /c msiexec /p "$repopath\AcrobatUpd911_all_incr.msp" /qn /norestart REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus' Copy ("generic.tch") ("$touchpath\adobeupgrade911.tch") /H ? "Acrobat 9.1.1 upgrade complete"return
In the above code I use a "copy generic.tch" command, this is just an empty file I copy to the local file system, it allows me to quickly check the current the update level of Acrobat 9.x, you can remove this step if you wish.
I'm using the "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" registry key to check for the current version. I tried reading versions from files in the Acrobat folder and checking the Acrobat registry key but both were unreliable.
The script is available here from my github enjoy!